Welcome — we’ll see you in class soon!

24 CEs, Classroom and Hands-on practice

Go to https://oncologymassagecarolinas.com/education/ to register for this class. We are not able to register you through Bodywork Therapy Seminars.

This course is for the practicing massage therapist to learn how to work safely and effectively with a client who has had a diagnosis of cancer. The class will cover how to modify a massage to address safely and comfort concerns before, during, and after treatment, including late-term effects of treatment.

The class is a combination of lecture, class participation, and hands-on experience including a clinic on the last day with cancer survivors or peer-to-peer massages incorporating the information and modifications to massage presented in the first two days. At the conclusion of the course, the massage therapist will have the minimum requirements to apply to the Society for Oncology Massage as a Preferred Practitioner.  Both Lucy Allen and Kathy Hallman are Recognized Education Providers (REPs) with S4OM.

Prerequisite: Licensed Massage Therapist (provide State and Lic Number). Proof of professional liability insurance
Required Reading: Oncology Massage: An integrative approach to cancer care. Janet Penny and Rebecca L. Sturgeon, Handspring Press.  (discount link sent after registration, or Kindle version available: https://www.amazon.com/Oncology-Massage-integrative-approach-cancer-ebook/dp/B09X5X37X4/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1675792377&sr=8-1)

Assignments and supplemental material will be posted on Google Classroom, so a Gmail Account is necessary to retrieve that information and respond.


Recommended Reading:  Medicine Hands, 3rd Ed. Gayle MacDonald and Medical Conditions and Massage Therapy: A Decision Tree Approach, Tracy Walton

Instructors: Lucy Allen, LMBT and Kathy Hallman, NP


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